The Last of Us (2023) Review

So the Last of Us TV show launched and I mean... eh? It's undeniably a step up from what has come to be expected from most videogame adaptations - that normally being that mediocrity is the high bar. But it's still not particularly special and really doesn't justify it's own existence in any way. The... Continue Reading →

Ms Marvel Killed Me

This isn't a Ms Marvel review. I didn't finish Ms Marvel and so don't think a full, ordinary review would be fair, although I suppose you could argue that one's inability to finish something is a relevant part of the viewing experience and thus something I could be capable of reviewing... But I digress. Ms... Continue Reading →

The Queen’s Gambit Review

I think I was destined to like this show. I have this strange weakness for coming of age movies and, since much of modern TV is structured like 8-12 hour movies, The Queen's Gambit filled a little hole in my heart. What I mean by that is that I don't often watch coming of age... Continue Reading →

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